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The introduce of laser chapter engraving machine and CO2 laser engraving machine

In real life, when we are engraving and cutting non-metallic materials such as wood, acrylic, leather, etc., we most often hear about and use CO2 laser engraving machines. We rarely use laser chapter engraving machine, and we know very little about chapter laser engraving machines.So today we will compare the difference

The introduce of laser chapter engraving machine and CO2 laser engraving machine

In real life, when we are engraving and cutting non-metallic materials such as wood, acrylic, leather, etc., we most often hear about and use CO2 laser engraving machines. We rarely use laser chapter engraving machine, and we know very little about chapter laser engraving machines.So today we will compare the difference

The difference between laser marking machine and laser engraving machine

What is the difference between laser marking machine and laser engraving machine? The so-called laser marking machine refers to a device that uses a laser beam to make permanent marks on the surface of various materials. laser engraving machine refers to an advanced equipment that uses laser to engrave materials that ne
